EQUITY GPS expert system aims to help institutional equity investors :
To EQUITY GPS, ambition to outperform in the global stockmarkets is reasonable, provided:
Information overload is not new. Since 15th-Century Gutenberg, information has increasingly grown in excess of what decision makers, individuals or groups, have been able to process. Against this backdrop, equity investors' investment process represent a daunting challenge:
Each phase is in itself complex and potentially unlimited. Their combination requires getting organised, whilst controlling our innate tendencies towards herd behavior, selective hearing, familiarity bias, regret aversion, and other biases which have been identified to hamper our judgement capabilities.
EQUITY GPS expert system is designed to cut through this complexity and deliver actionable signals of potential market inefficiencies by stocks, by geographies, by sectors, and for the global equity market as a whole.
For more information, please drop a mail at clara@equitygps.com, or call us at 00 33 1 42 77 56 37