EQUITY GPS helps its institutional investors and hedge funds investor base to quickly spot potential pockets of market inefficiency opening the way for actionable buy, sell (or short) opportunities:
- By stock: coverage of close to 7 000 listed companies worldwide equal to 95% of the global market capitalisation
- By sector
- By country
- Globally
The EQUITY GPS expert system is based on solid academic and pragmatic foundations:
- Inefficient markets
- Benjamin Graham's value investing
- Behavioral Finance
EQUITY GPS powerful operating model helps its clients manage the increasing complexity of global financial markets:
- We process every night north of 250 million of fundamental financial and macro economic data
- We boil it down to legible, no-nonsense ratings by stock, by sector, by country
- Our expert system anticipates, every day, the future possible behavior of rational equity market participants that would include in their decision-making process some fundamental criteria consistent with those systematically used to determine EQUITY GPS ratings.
For more info, please drop a mail at clara@equitygps.com, or simply call us at 00 33 1 42 77 56 37
Last update : 08/05/2019